Sunday, June 24, 2012

Awesome Tanning Idea

You should Try This!! you put Silly Bands on yourself while tanning & you get a tan line from it. So Cool!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Decisions Decisions

My Friend's birthday is coming up and she really wants an ipod so... shes asking for money but....  want to get her awesome stuff like mustache themed and stuff but....she really wants money so what should i get her???? Awesome stuff or money???

Wish List!















Bucket List!

  • Camp on The Beach
  • Catch a Brides Bouquet 
  • Own a beach House 
  • Smash a Pie in Someones Face
  • Bungee Jump!
  • Go Zip lining
  • Have a Food Fight!
  • Open a Bakery!
  •  Bake a Rainbow Cake!
  • Own a Louis Vuitton Purse!
  • Own something from Tiffany & Co
  • Go to Lego Land!
  • Break a Bone by Doing something stupid
  • Swing on a Chandelier 
  • Sky Dive
  • Play Hide and Seek in IKEA
  • Eat Belgian Waffles in Belgium 
  • Throw a Fistful of glitter
  • Stay in Cinderella's Castle 
  • Watch The ball Drop in Times Square
  • Go to a drive in Movie
  • Eat a cake Using My Hands

Magical Color Changing Drinks

What you'll need: Plastic party cups, food coloring, ice, and any clear drink (Sprite,Fresca and Ginger Ale) Place 2 to 3 drops of food coloring at the bottom of each party cup and let dry.Just before serving the drinks, fill each cup with ice to hide the food coloring. While each child watches, pour the drink over the ice, and the clear water or soda will magically turn into a color as it fills their cup! Use different
 colors of food coloring so that the kids wont know what color to expect

Friday, June 22, 2012

About Kayla!:D

One of my Many talents is putting words on a calculator like hillbillies,google,hi,hello and many,many more. :)
I love mustaches and british accents. I like My little Pony Friendship is Magic...Don't Judge!!:)
I am a facebook and pinterest addict. My Favorite Song is Polka Dot Afro.
My favorite item i own is either my iPad or Mac. Chocolate or strawberry is my Favorite kind of milk. My favorite movie is the TITANIC.. I like to learn interesting facts that nobody cares about. My dream job is to work at Apple. My favorite show is Pretty Little Liars. My Favorite book series is either Harry Potter or Pretty Little Liars. I really want to go on a submarine and see the Titanic. I have 2 cats but.. i really want a monkey,red panda, or a pomerainian.  I want to go to Times Square and see the ball drop on New Years. I have a very,very,very loooonngg Bucket List. I also am addicted to Polyvore. Now i probably be a blog addict. I am a very forgetful person. I also love the song "Back In Time" by:Pitbull 
My Favorite tree is a wheeping willow and my favorite flower is a rose. I like toucans. my Favorite letter is Z. I have 1 sister. My favorite video game is just dance 3. I love Netflix. my favorite app is angry birds space. I love cookie dough Ice cream. My favorite ice cream parlor is Ben & Jerry's. I wear contacts. I play on the computer 24/7. My favorite state is New York. I like strawberries and kiwi. I like who nu cookies. 


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